The report was witten by: Sarah-Marie Hall, Jerome De Henau, Kimberly McIntosh, Eva Neitzert, Laura Pottinger, Kalwinder Sandhu, Mary-Ann Stephenson, Howard Reed, Leonie Taylor.
Distributional analysis: Howard Reed of Landham Economics.
Coventry Research was led the Women’s Budget Group.
Kalwinder Sandhu ran the focus groups, Sarah Learmonth, Elizabeth Ablett and Mary-Ann Stephenson carried out interviews with local voluntary organisations. Sophie Rees provided research assistance on Coventry specific data.
Thanks to Ekta Unity, Foleshill Women’s Training and the Helen Women’s Project for hosting the focus groups. Thanks to staff from staff from the African Caribbean Community Association Ltd, Coventry Citizen’s Advice Bureau, Central England Law Centre, Coventry Ethnic Minority Action Partnership, Coventry Rape and Sexual Abuse Centre, Foleshill Women’s Training, Panaghar, the Roma Project and Valley House for taking the time to be interviewed.
Manchester Research was led by Sarah Marie Hall and Laura Pottinger from the University of Manchester in partnership with RECLAIM. Interviews were carried out by Lisa Eigbadon, Kacea Omeje and Latoya Reisner.
We would like to thank all the women who agreed to be interviewed and take part in focus groups in Coventry and Manchester. We appreciate their time and their willingness to share their personal experiences.
We would like to thank Sarah-Marie Hall, Jerome De Henau, Lester Holloway, Sue Himmelweit, Dr Omar Khan, Kimberly McIntosh, Eva Neitzert, Laura Pottinger, Kalwinder Sandhu, Mary-Ann Stephenson, Howard Reed, Leonie Taylor for comments on the draft and Polly Trenow for proof reading.
Finally we would like to thank the Barrow Cadbury Trust for funding the researching and writing of this report, and for their support with our on going intersectional analysis of UK budgets.
Lester Holloway designed this website and populated with content.